Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I never knew this thing called "Cyber bullying" could be an issue.Cyber bullying exactly how the word sounds, is someone being a bully on the internet.This could lead to suicides to the people receiving these threats. The New York Times stated  " In jumping, Rebecca became one of the youngest members of a growing list of children and teenagers apparently driven to suicide, at least in part, after being maligned, threatened and taunted online, mostly through a new collection of texting and photo-sharing cellphone applications." I am surprised how this is still an issue. Seriously, want to know a way to prevent this? Here ya go!


  1. Yes. I agree. I think it's sad how the rates of cyberbullying is increasing and not a lot of adults are aware of it.

  2. The article also surprises me that serious problems can cause by cyber-bulling. nice gif btw.
