Wednesday, April 2, 2014

AI and Robotics

Soon, robots will be taking over the daily chores humans usually do. Robots could probably do most of the things as humans can but to an extent. NASA Designs A Robot For Mars states, “If you stand a robot in a room it’s very hard to say ‘find the door,’ because robots aren’t as perceptive as people. Even if you told it what a door was, if it wasn't exactly the same door that you programed it for, it would miss it,” explains Berka. “There is always this weakness of perception. A robot can sense its environment, but knowing a door from a cabinet is hard thing for a robot.” Probably at the start a robot would likely make more errors than a human, since there is so many things to program to the robot that it will be impossible to implement everything. As for whose fault it is. It's impossible to determine it. It could be the programmers fault for making mistakes but also can be the hardware on the robot malfunctions. In the end robots should just be used for basic things like serving food, and cleaning.

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